Project Update!
1/25/25: Thank you for providing comments on the first draft of the Master Thoroughfare Plan update! There have been great conversations and recommendations provided. We are working to respond to all of the phone calls and emails and survey responses, but we assure you that if you sent something in with your contact information provided, we will certainly be getting back to you this coming week most likely. Now that the comment period is closed for this portion of the work on the MTP, we can make more progress on getting through the substantive recommendations and questions. The next draft will be released at the end of February! There will be changes since the first draft based on the feedback that was received so the next draft MTP will be different.
Stay tuned for the draft Master Plan Set! An email notification will be sent out when it is posted so make sure you have signed up for project updates here on
View the Draft Concepts + Highlights for the Master Plan Set!
On November 12, 2024, City Staff and the LJA consultant team held a Zoom Townhall for Community Forum 3! On Zoom, the LJA Project Manager (Abra Nusser, AICP) presented the draft Concepts + Highlights of the Master Plan Set. After the presentation, there was a question and answer session with panelists. In addition to Abra, panelists for the Q&A were Britt Lusk (City Manager), John Taylor (Director of Development Services), Darrell Gentry (City Planner), and Nestor Ramirez (Director of Public Works). Tons of questions were submitted! The panel answered submitted questions until the time ran out! Some questions and answers from the event will be added to the FAQ below as well.
Document Library
Draft Master Thoroughfare PlanPDF (501.57 KB)
Published for review and comment on January 3, 2025
MTP Open House FlyerPDF (4.85 MB)
Draft 1 - Future Land Use PlanPDF (3.44 MB)
Draft Option 3 Expanded SquarePDF (260.64 KB)
For feedback and collaboration
Community Forum 2 RecapPDF (1.21 MB)
Community Forum 2: Public Design Studio InformationPDF (1.96 MB)
Información del Estudio de Diseno Publico: Foro 2 de ComunidadPDF (851.01 KB)
Downtown Stakeholders Workshop RecapPDF (4.22 MB)
Community Forum 1 RecapPDF (12.53 MB)
Community Survey Summary: Plan Pilot PointPDF (1.62 MB)
March 2024